Table of Contents
Characteristics and barrier of travel & stages of tourist journey
The characteristics of Travel
Any person who travels have their own style which has different character but how we can distinguish in simple terms are as follow;
GIT (Group Inclusive Tour)
Some of the travelers desire more safety and friendly environment may travel in group which in tourism term called as Group Inclusive Tour. This category of tours consists more number of people who share same kind of facilities and starts their journey for similar environment so each and every member of the group are known to each other. Normally GIT is pre-arranged and can be considered as package.
FIT (Free Individual Traveler)
There are some people who loves to travel alone so they don’t have to share facilities and don’t have to compromise with the own desire and plan of travel. The joy can be achieved to the higher level as a single person can have the full control over the travel decisions. FIT s can have package schedule but normally this is the category of traveler who enjoys the sole travel to the places of visit.
Barrier factors in travel
A travel barrier is a factor that prevents or hinders people from travelling, some important travel barriers include: –
- Cost factor/Economic
- Time factor
- Health factor
- Family reason
- Political reason
- Weather
- Fear
- Lack of awareness and interest
- Natural disaster
The stages of tourist journey
Stage One-Dreaming Phase:
Potential visitors begin to imagine/dream of a new trip to a certain destination, and they seek inspiration from all types of information and shared experiences, both offline and online.
Stage Two – Planning Phase
At the very beginning anyone who wishes to travel should plan for their key determining factors. If those factors can be solved then only a person can think of travelling. Those determining factors can be for the very first, ‘time’ and ‘Money’. Without know the available time and money nobody can think of any kind of tour that consist of pleasure, or cannot come under the category of tourist as defined by the UNWTO.
Stage Three – Starting the journey
As soon a person determines to travel the journey starts by leaving home with the proper plan to return in that place in certain period of time. So the person starts journey packing the basic necessary during the tour. In this stage any person starts the journey will have excitement and expectation towards the place of travel.
Stage Four – Enjoying the tour
The saturation point where a person starts enjoying the trip, s/he will start comparing the expectation before the trip and with reality during the tour.
Stage Five– Returning home
After enjoying the trip person returns home with experience. Experience that person have gained, may contradict with previous experience or may return with higher joy.

Reason behind Travel/Motivator Factor of Travel
Characteristics and barrier of travel & stages of tourist journey
Characteristics and barrier of travel & stages of tourist journey
Characteristics and barrier of travel & stages of tourist journey
Characteristics and barrier of travel & stages of tourist journey
Characteristics and barrier of travel & stages of tourist journey