Table of Contents
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
The Gradual change & development at an idea, situation of object is retort to as evolution. Hence evolution of tourism refers to the gradual change or development of the tourism activities from the past to the present & perhaps, it will be continue in future too. Evolution of tourism is based on three phases which are as follows:-
First Epoch (Period before 1840)
This phase is the period before the industrial revolution, during which period; people basically traveled from one place to other for the sake of trade, commerce and pilgrimage purpose. Usually, motivating factor to the place for traveling during this period may be as follows:
Travel for trade and commerce: It was the strongest force/ motivating factor throughout the history that traders/ merchants have traveled for trade with other nations. The invention of money, during 300 B.C was the most significant development, which became a medium for various business dealing and also used by various accommodations.
Travel for seeking knowledge: The urge to explore new lands/ world, to seek knowledge was another motive of travelers. Some examples of such explorers are: Marco polo, Alexander the Great.
Travel for religious purpose: During this period travel for the religious purpose was of significant importance. The spread of Christianity led to numerous pilgrimage tours in this regard.
Second Epoch-The time period between First &Second World War
During this period there was a significant development of private motor cars, bus and coaches etc. The following points have a significant role on development of tourism during second epoch:
Introduction of Railway Transportation: The introduction of railway transportation had propounded effect on transport. The first link between Liverpool and Manchester was started in the year 1830. The birth of organized rail travel and concept of tourism came into existence in the year 1841.
The man behind this idea was Thomas cook, who is also regarded as Father of Modern Tourism. He had organized a tour of 570 pax at a time by train from Leicester to loughbourgh. The evolution of railway system affected the quantity of the accommodations and also the urbanization.
Introduction of Steam Engine: During this period, introduction of steam engine by James Watt has a great contribution on accessing the travel/transportation means. Many big ships were invented which carried a huge mass of people at a time, where steam engine was used to operate a ship.
The shipping technology played a significant role in the development of travel and trade. The railway transport contributed in the inland travel whereas the ships opened the way for intercontinental travel by crossing the boundaries via sea. The opening of Suez Canal in 1869 brought a revolution by shortening the cruise route.
Contribution of Thomas Cook: Cook, Thomas (1808-92), was a traveling agent for tourists, born in England. In 1828 later became a hard worker at tourism industry. Thomas Cook not only regarded as a father of modern tourism, but is the first person to establish a travel agency and a first travel/tour agent.
After a trip from Leicester to Loughbrough 1843, he took a trip of nearly 300 children, by chartering a train. From (1848-63) he started a circular trip to Scotland with almost 5000 travelers on a season. After this he extended his tour agency to various other country and published Guidebooks, Periodical Cooks Excursionist & Tourist Advertiser.
Not only this, Mr. Cook’s significant idea was for selling excursions or holidays as a single transaction/ Package. The growth of railways, shipping & hotels etc., however accept this idea gradually. Mr.Cook was also associated with pleasure travel. The large scale movement of people to various pleasure spots was an organized idea of Mr. Cook. Cook himself started taking tourist to different places inside the Europe for their pleasure, and Cook himself arranged accommodation (Hotels) for tourists to stay where they can spend their holiday trip making independent trips.
He also provided traveling services to the travelers throughout the Europe and provided all necessary Kits of traveling to the travelers under the British government for many occasions, and arranged the last trip for British General Charles George Gordon to Sudan in 1884.
Industrial Revolution: As industrial revolution gathered its momentum, the cities and their population increased. They felt the need of some relief from their work. The increased income helped them to fulfill their desire. To fulfill the growing demand, a large number of accommodation units and leisure place had been developed.
The people in the industrial countries felt the urge to travel for the purpose of rest & relaxation. The trend of traveling for pleasure lead to the phenomena of tourism. The industrial development increased the material wealth and increased number of workers who could offer to travel.
Third Epoch (Period after Second World War)
After Second World War, the standard of living of the working and middle people class has been raised. Tourism became a need in the countries where tourism had been practically unknown. Enormous expansion of tourism has been seen primarily in the advance & industrial countries, where travel became a part of the life style. Third phase of tourism and development however summarized the following points:
Introduction of Motor Car/ Bus/ Coach: The provision of luxury motor cars, buses, coaches has a significant on accessing the tourism activities through transportation. The boom in tourist movements in twenty century & twenty first century linked to the introduced of luxury coaches & private motor cars.
Introduction of Paid holiday & Mass tourism: The concept of mass tourism emerged along with the introduction of paid holidays. During the last quarter of 19th century, cheap holidays with pay for working class people had been developed, through the paid holiday were very largely of English origin, and developed the inter-wars. The concept really got underway, when ILO adopted it at their first convention.
Air Transportation: Introduction of civil aviation has brought a revolutionary change in the history of travel after 1950’s, when aircrafts were introduced for the commercial purpose carrying a mass of people at a time, with tremendous increase in speed, safety & comfort. It also gave access to the package holiday, which subsequently became a model for most of the present tourism.
Introduction of Jet/ Jumbo Jets: The most dramatic change in mass tourism/ travel to its present level was the introduction of jet in the year 1958. This mode of travel introduced an entirely new medium of speed, comfort & efficiency & maximum carrying capacity.
Introduction of Inclusive Tour: It is another interesting idea developed during this period. In this type of tour, all relevant costs are added up and sold in a package. The system of package tour is also responsible for mass tourism.
Introduction of IT: The latest achievement in the field of tourism in 21st century is the application of information technology for various promotion of any place of product via internet. One can easily operate a tour or any reservation can be made from one point to the next point of the world through Internet or Central Reservation System (CRS). Any information can be collected within a single hour. This indicates that the globalization is accessing speed of travel and tourism with the place of technology.
Determining factors of tourism
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective
Evolution of Tourism The global perspective