Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism

Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism

Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism

The positive and negative impacts of tourism are as follows:

 Positive Impact of the Tourism:

  • Provides employment opportunities, both skilled and unskilled, because it is a labor-intensive industry
  • Generates a supply of needed foreign exchange
  • Increases incomes
  • Creates increased gross domestic product
  • Develops an infrastructure that will also help encourage local commerce and industry
  • Can be developed with local products and resources
  • Spreads development
  • Has a high multiplier impact
  • Increases governmental revenues
  • Increases educational and cultural horizons and improves feelings of self-confidence
  • Improves the quality of life related to a higher level of income and improved standards of living
  • Supports to preservation of heritage and tradition
  • Justifies environmental protection and improvement
  • Provides employment for artists, musicians, and other performing artists because of visitor interest in local culture, thereby enhancing cultural heritage
  • Breaks down language barriers, socio cultural barriers, class barriers, racial barriers, political barriers, and religious barriers
  • Creates a favorable worldwide image for a destination
  • Promotes a global community
  • Promotes international understanding and peace
  • Development of protected area Conservation of the natural resource
  • Develop friendship and understanding
  • Build peace among the nation
  • Provides wide knowledge about different country.
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism

Negative Impact of Tourism:

  • Develops excess demand for resources
  • Causes inflation
  • Can result in unbalanced economic development
  • Creates social problems
  • Degrades the natural physical environment, creates pollution, and contributes to global warming
  • Increases the incidence of crime, prostitution, and gambling
  • Increases vulnerability to economic and political changes
  • Threatens family structure
  • Commercializes culture, religion, and the arts
  • Creates misunderstanding
  • Creates conflicts in the host society
  • Contributes to disease, economic fluctuation, and transportation problems
  • Less priority of domestic product.
  • Addiction to the drug: – the addition to the drugs and its measure are easily exported and imported which are very harmful.
  • Addiction to the drug: – the addition to the drugs and its measure are easily exported and imported which are very harmful.
  • Less priority of domestic product.
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism

Importance of Tourism

Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism


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