Travel Behavior and Travel Motivator
A motive can be defined as a person’s basic tendency to reach for or to strive forward a general class of goals. Studies on tourist psychology and motivations reveal that people ordinary travel on account of multifarious objects and for the majority, perhaps, tourism is an outcome of an amalgam of motivations. Moreover, motivations are not only many and heterogeneous; these have a tendency to change frequently. Burkart and Medlik state that” The prime motivation is to be elsewhere and to escape, however, temporarily, the routine constraints and stress of everyday life.”
Define Travel motivator.
Without people’s motivation to travel, there would be no tourist industry. The prospective traveler’s selection of a destination is sometimes likened to a trip to a travel supermarket, where the shopper walks in and selects the destination from any one of the thousands of choices. Although there are hundreds or thousands of possible destinations, the perspective of the traveler is usually circumscribed by a number of factors. These include time, attitude, family responsibilities, finance, education, physical health and well-being.
Travel motivators can be defined as those factors that create a person’s desire to travel. Motivators are the internal psychological influence affecting individual’s choices. Motivations operate on individuals travel purchases choices within the framework already set by the determinants of demand. Several attempts have been made to study as to why people wish to travel or become tourists.
According to (Dann 1981) Foundations for Understanding Tourism Motivations
Motivation for travel covers a broad range of human behavior and experiences. Breaking down and elaborating these will give reasons as to why more and more people engage in tourism. The breakdown of wide categories would result in the following factors:
Positive and Negative Impact of Tourism